Lunch Pals
est. 2017
Mentors - Adult volunteers who are 18+ years old, have completed Companions for Children's Screening Process, live within a 15-mile radius of Minot, ND, if employed, have a supervisor who is supportive of participation, and can volunteer for a minimum of one school year (Aug - May).
​Mentees - Students who are identified by a school staff at participating elementary schools in Minot, ND. Students are identified for various reasons, which may include needing a positive adult role model, having poor social skills, self-esteem, or lack of confidence, frequently are absent from school or have a lack of interest in school, demonstrate behavioral issues, are new to the school and/or Minot community, or simply could benefit from having one-on-one time with an additional adult role model.
Parents/Guardians if you are interested in your child participating in the Lunch Pals program, please reach out to your School Counselor to see if their school is participating.
Mentors provide a child with someone to talk to, confide, in and share their thoughts with. Companions for Children provides a variety of activities that are meant to be conversation starters, allowing for meaningful conversation to happen naturally.
Matches meet twice per month. A calendar is provided two times per year with pre-designated dates that are approved by the Mentor. Scheduling is possible, but is discouraged as consistency is key to a successful match. Mentors are expected to pay for their lunch.
The Lunch Pals program is currently at Sunnyside, Washington, Bel Air, Longfellow, and John Hoeven Elementary. Matches meet in the school and have lunch in a predesignated area one-on-one. Typically this is in an empty classroom, library, or office.

Interested in being a Lunch Pal Mentor?

Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer Mentor with Companions for Children! We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year for our school-base mentoring programs; Lunch Pals, Lunch Pals+, and Pen Pals. If you provide your contact information, we will reach out in the spring when we begin our enrollment for the 2025-26 school year.
Want to support this program?
School Based
Sponsors help make Companions for Children's school-based programs possible! Companions for Children has two school-based programs; Lunch Pals and Pen Pals. Both programs provide mentors to children during the school day. The sponsorship is $2,000. Please reach out for more detailed information.